Date(s) - 21/07/2020
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Join us for this interactive discussion and workshop to explore how creativity is an integral part of being well and being human. You don’t have to be Picasso or Mozart; even a brief amount of time spent on creative activities has powerful benefits for personal wellbeing.

To make meaning, in different ways, is uniquely human and creativity is not limited to the traditional Arts. Creative activities are also a natural way to manage our emotions, and this is inherently good for our health and wellbeing.

In this participatory webinar we will hear perspectives and approaches from:
* Jayne Howard former director of Arts For Health Cornwall, who now runs Arts Well
* Geraldine Montgomerie from the Leeds Arts Health & Wellbeing Network (LAHWN) a dynamic project based at Leeds University Cultural Institute.

Participants will also have a choice of practical breakout workshops to join during this event:
* Friendship Braid Craft Along – Lisa Pidgeon
* Mindful Sketching – Rebecca O’Connor
* Writing for Self-connection and Self-expression – Adanna Onuekwusi
* Are You a Leaf or a Tree? (Haiku Writing) – Amanda White
* Reframe Your Now (Mindful Photography) – Ruth Davey

We hope you can join us for this fun and creative evening!


In these unprecedented times we need to find effective ways to support each other and build wellbeing together. This event is part of the Wellbeing Together webinar series run by the Network of Wellbeing.