Date(s) - 01/02/2024
12:00 am
Which art style has a more positive impact on wellbeing: figurative art, (drawing or painting a real-life subject) or abstract art (experimenting with non-realistic colours or forms)?
Which makes you feel more absorbed or relaxed, calmer or more cheerful?
Which raises your spirits more or boosts mood?
My new art for wellbeing challenge aims to answer these questions, and more! Take part from your own home, in your own time, and have your say!
Starting on 1 February, All Change will run throughout the month. Every other day you’ll receive an art idea by email with example image – alternating between figurative and abstract styles. There’ll also be a private Facebook group where you can share how you get on with other participants (optional). At the end of the month I’ll ask participants which style and which ideas proved most positive.
What I learn will help me in my Arts Council England-funded project Paint Your Mind: Art As Tool, which I’m working on from January to June 2024. Discovering which art styles most benefit wellbeing and mental health is one of my project aims.
To sign up go to
Please note that no live/Zoom sessions are planned. The start day and time refer to when you will receive your first email prompt.
So just to sum up, it runs from 1 to 29 Feb, on alternate days, no specific times as people can complete the ideas in their own time (the emails will be sent out about 9 am), no location as you can take part at home.