The following summarises the privacy settings and cookies used on the website of the Network of Wellbeing (NOW).

The Network of Wellbeing (NOW) is a registered charity (no. 295976) and limited company (01806096). Our registered address is 16 High Street, Totnes, Devon TQ9 5RY. You can call us on 01803 849107 or contact us via this website or email us via info@networkofwellbeing.

This privacy notice covers:

  • How your data is collected
  • The legal basis we use to hold the data
  • How we will use the data
  • How you can affect the data that we hold
  • How to make a complaint
  • Changes to this policy

How your data is collected:

Please note: we use Google Analytics to monitor traffic and user behaviour on this site. Google Analytics uses cookies to extract this data. We also use a cookie to identify previous users where they have asked not to see the newsletter sign-up box. Beyond that, this website will only collect data on you if you enter it by:

  • Subscribing to our newsletter
  • Submitting a post to our blog
  • Submitting an event to our event listing
  • Submitting an organisation to our Wellbeing Directory.

The legal basis for our holding your data:

The sole legal basis for our holding your data, through your interaction with this website, is your consent, under the General Data Protection Regulations 2018.

How will we use your data:

We will use your data for the sole purpose for which it was collected:

  • If you subscribe to our newsletter, we will email you our newsletter and nothing else.
  • If you submit a post to our blog, we may choose to publish that blog, at which point, the data that you submit will be used to create a publicly-accessible contributor profile. We will tell you before we do that so that you can withdraw your submission if you want.
  • If you submit an event to our event listing, we may choose to list you event, at which point the data that you submit will be used to create a publicly-accessible listing. By submitting the form, you consent to have your data published in this way.
  • If you submit an organisation to our Wellbeing Directory, we may choose to list that organisation in the Directory, at which point the data that you submit will be used to create a publicly-accessible listing. By submitting the form, you consent to have your data published in this way.

We will never sell or pass your data to others without your consent. We will secure your data to the best of our ability.

How you can affect what we do with your data?

You have the right to withdraw consent for our use of your data at any time. You can also ask us to amend it, if needs be, and we will endeavour to do so as quickly as possible.

How to complain?

If you feel that we are misusing your data, please contact us as soon as possible. We will endeavour to resolve your complaint within one week.

Changes to this policy:

We reserve the right to amend this policy, over time, but will publicise this prominently on the home page, should we do so. Your legal rights will obviously be unaffected by any changes we make.