We don’t need to own more stuff to make us happy; in fact, research shows that the more materialistic we become, the more miserable we get. Sharing, on the other hand…
Sharing can help to meet some of our material needs while also contributing towards community connections and personal wellbeing. This is why we are planning to co-host a festival to celebrate all things related to sharing, repairing, swapping and making: the ShareFest Totnes.
The Network of Wellbeing (NOW), the Share Shed – Library of Things in Totnes and the US group Shareable are going to host the first ShareFest on Saturday 24th November, from 10am to 4pm at the Civic Hall, in Totnes (Devon, UK). This event will help people to connect with others who share their passions – for sharing, plus living more creatively and sustainably.
Totnes, the town where NOW’s office is based, has a wealth of sharing projects; from community potlucks to community gardens, skillshare programmes, co-work spaces, local currency and more. The ShareFest will be a great opportunity to showcase a wide range of projects that encourage a more resourceful, collaborative, creative and sustainable lifestyle, as well as provide examples of sharing initiatives from all over the world.
A worldwide movement…
This free and family-friendly event will be one of over 50 ShareFests held around the world, and will offer a variety of activities such as:
- skillshares on tool sharpening, lino print cards, and spoon carving;
- a Repair Corner where menders – from tech equipment to sewing experts – will be able to help people have their things repaired;
- local musicians sharing their talent, including a wild singing workshop for little ones;
- swaps of clothes and books.
Plus, there’ll also be delicious food, music, children’s games and much more – we’d love you to join us there!
…changing the story of what makes us happy
The ShareFest idea was inspired by Shareable in order to create a real life model of the world we want, based in sharing – right now in our communities, towns and cities. The transformative experience of sharing is probably the most powerful way to change the story that we don’t have enough and that we need to sell our lives in order to buy happiness. To share is to experience an abundant, caring, people-powered economy. The movement is growing and a ShareFest can be a powerful way to kickstart the sharing economy where you are. Here you can find some helpful tips on how to organise a similar event.

Get involved!
The organisers are looking for collaborators, volunteers, sponsors and event/workshop proposals for the ShareFest Totnes. More information, including event updates, programme and submission forms can be found at the ShareFest Totnes Facebook event page. For further information, contact mirella@networkfowellbeing.org.