From 31 October to 12 November, the world’s focus will turn to Glasgow as thousands gather at COP26 (the 26th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – or UNFCCC for short) to discuss the climate crisis.
At the Network of Wellbeing, we believe that good lives do not need to cost the earth; that it is important for us to care for the wellbeing of people, communities and the planet on which we all depend. Therefore, we’d like to take this opportunity to highlight some of the wellbeing-related events and activities at COP26 – from us and from others in our wider network.
Hope in Action at COP26 People’s Climate Summit
We’re aware that many people do not feel very hopeful in the lead up to COP26, but we’d like to promote more hope – not as a feeling, but as a practice: “Hope is not a lottery ticket you can sit on the sofa and clutch, feeling lucky. It is an axe you break down doors with in an emergency,” as author Rebecca Solnit eloquently puts it.
On 9 November, in partnership with the Resurgence Trust, we will be hosting an online event as part of the People’s Climate Summit: ‘Hope in Action: Resilient Responses in Times of Climate Crisis’.
The discussion will explore how hope and resilience can be built into our actions for climate justice, systemic change and creating alternative ways of living.
Panelists include Jyoti Fernandes – Land Workers Alliance and Via Campesina, Tamsin Omond – Author and candidate for co-leader of the Green Party and Asad Rehman – War on Want.
The summit is hosted by the COP26 Coalition – bringing together groups and movements from across the world, and helping to ensure the voices of those outside of the world leaders can be shared.
You can join the programme online from anywhere around the world.
Find out more and register your place to join us here.

Coming Together for #ShareForTheClimate
In order to tackle climate change, we need to change the way we consume – buying less and sharing more. Our Share Shed – Library of Things is coordinating an symbolic online initiative to mark COP26 with various sharing libraries across the UK, celebrating how sharing projects support better care of the climate.
#ShareForTheClimate will feature an online photo collage of the different sharing libraries each with a message of how their project promotes looking after the planet.
The world’s first mobile library of things, the Share Shed is an important project to NOW, showcasing the many ways in which the simple act of sharing supports better wellbeing of people – facilitating connection, community, financial savings – as well as better wellbeing of the planet – promoting sustainable and ethical consuming habits.
Look out for #ShareForTheClimate on Share Shed and NOW’s social media channels, and share your own photo using this hash tag if you’d like to!
Finding Common Ground and Making Space For Everyone
“We must advocate for a system that prioritises the health of the planet and its people above infinite growth and consumption” – say our friends at We-All, and we couldn’t agree more.
On November 6 2021, the Wellbeing Economy Alliance, together with Fiis, will be holding the Common Ground Festival. This free festival will be taking place in Glasgow and will include live music, discussions and a ‘green marketplace’. The idea behind this innovative new event is to create a space to include everyone in COP26 conversations.
The line-up includes Colonel Mustard and the Dijon Five, Caroline Lucas, Rou Reynolds, Sandrine Dixson-Decleve and many more. Find out more and register for tickets here.

Let’s Keep Building Wellbeing for People and Planet Together
We hope COP26 proves fruitful. Whatever the outcome of the overall discussions we continue to be inspired by the people and organisations coming together in community to take action.
As COP26 draws to a close we’ll be co-hosting a networking event called Together for the Planet, with Eden Project Communities and Hawkwood College. This will be an opportunity to come together to connect and support each other – we’d love to see you there.
We hope to see you soon at any of the above mentioned events, and you are also very welcome to join our online community Building Wellbeing Together to continue these discussions and share any other events you may know of that are happening around COP26.
Other events and resources you may be interested in include: