“The Network of Wellbeing (NOW) believes in a world in which everyone can thrive within the planet’s natural limits. We connect, support and empower those across the UK who are working towards sustainable wellbeing – through events, network-building, our retreat venue Eden Rise, and community projects that demonstrate sustainable wellbeing, such as our Share Shed – A Library of Things.
For us, 2021 was a year of change, challenges and progress. We’re reviewing our vision and mission, have forged new partnerships and strengthened the foundations of our projects.
We have seen changes in our team throughout the year. We were sad to say goodbye to Joshua Malkin and Tracy Cheesman, and happy to welcome Rochelle Buisson to the team. Satish Kumar, our co-founder, stepped down from our Board of Trustees and we’re pleased to share he’s become our first Patron.
As we continue to adjust to the ongoing changes resulting from the pandemic, which have shaken us all, we feel in a solid place to welcome 2022.
We are excited to continue our work building wellbeing together for people and the planet. Thank you for your continued support.”
– Roger Higman, Director, Network of Wellbeing (NOW)
Read the Network of Wellbeing 2021 Annual Report here.
Click here to read the full report.