Date(s) - 28/05/2025 - 01/06/2025
5:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Eden Rise
A Soto Zen Buddhist Meditation Retreat
Our retreat will be a silent meditation retreat focused on the art of just sitting, the art of being for its own sake and the precepts of being. This practice comes from what has become known as the Soto Zen tradition, one of the many branches of practice within the transmission of Buddhism.
You won’t have to call yourself a Buddhist to attend this retreat, you will need to have had some introduction and experience of zazen (seated meditation) practice. You don’t have to believe anything in particular at all, an inquiring mind is most of what you’ll need to bring with you together a willingness to participate in the forms of the retreat.
There will be some traditional (adapted) forms of practice, which include ceremonial chanting (in English) and bowing, as well as formal eating meditation. The only working meditation will be preparing, cooking and cleaning up after meals. The days will be structured with a schedule which will include time for resting and enjoying the outdoors.
Rev. Willard Lee will be leading this retreat, he is a Buddhist monk in the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives (OBC) and the prior of Dragon Bell Temple in Devon.
At a minimum, you will need to have had instruction in zazen (seated meditation) from a qualified teacher. If you have not attended a residential practice retreat before, there’s always a first time for everyone, so that’s not an obstacle. Please get in touch with Willard if you have any questions about whether it’s appropriate for you to join this retreat, or anything else.
Places will be limited to 13 people. To help us, please try to book by 28th April, later bookings will be considered if there are still spaces and there will be a waiting list as needed. Further information will be sent to you after booking.
Food and accommodation is provided from 5pm – 5pm on the dates above. The retreat winds down after lunch on the last day and typically we exit around 3.00pm.
There is no charge for attending this retreat. The charity, Dragon Bell Temple, will be paying for the hire and food costs up front. To help support the temple, there will be ways to make voluntary donations at the end of your stay.
To book, or anything else, please email Willard: