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Date(s) - 18/07/2025 - 24/07/2025
5:00 pm

Eden Rise

We are Wise Fools, and our flagship workshop The Hero/ine’s Journey, as designed by Paul Rebillot, is a powerful, magical and transformational process of self-discovery, drawing on gestalt therapy, psychodrama, bodywork and ritual.

Alongside a group of fellow journeyers, you will leave your day-to-day life behind for a while, and spend 6 days being guided through the archetypal journey of the Hero/Heroine, passing through an intense programme of immersive exercises/experiences. These are centred around meeting your inner Hero/Heroine (the part of you which has a vision, knows your deepest heart’s desire and has the courage to get up and pursue that vision, whatever it takes!) and your inner Demon (the part which sabotages you, or makes you stay in your
comfort zone, and persuades you that following that vision is a terrible idea!).

As you experience these powerful inner forces from the inside, the process – which is at the same time both incredibly playful and deeply illuminating – builds up to a ‘confrontation’ between these polarities. This results in a key shift, allowing you to surrender to the magic that unfolds when these forces no longer need to operate against each other, but instead are harnessed together in a common direction. This can feel like stepping into unknown territory, or standing tall and riding a new kind of wave. Participants often come into powerful contact with their core resources and natural ability to be in full contact with life in all its dimensions, and can resolve long-standing inner stagnation along the way.

For more information click here.

You can also read our flyer or apply by email.