Here at the Network of Wellbeing (NOW) we co-hosted a talk from wellbeing pioneer Nic Marks on this topic in Exeter earlier this month. Nic shared his wealth of experience exploring this question, from his early work on the Happy Planet Index and the Five Ways to Wellbeing, to his more recent engagement with happiness in the workplace.

You can watch this inspiring talk in full here, and on Facebook Live, too.

Nic wrote an excellent summary of his talk here, saying:

“Speaking is one of my favourite parts of the work I do and when I do talks like this for the general public, it is particularly delightful. The audience ranged in age from teenagers to octogenarians. To broad audiences, I find it best to give a wide-ranging talk that includes the “Greatest Hits” of all the work I have done over the last 15 years – a sort of expanded version of my 2010 TED talk with the Happy Planet Index, Five Ways to Wellbeing and our new work on Happiness at Work thrown in. Together they cover the ground from personal happiness right through to the happiness of future generations.”

However, what I like very best about these talks are the questions from the audience afterwards. When I am giving the talk itself, I am kind of in my comfort zone. I have my slides and I have my patter. I make my points and tell a few jokey stories along the way (yes, I am afraid I do repeat jokes!). But with the questions afterwards, the audience and I get to go ‘off-piste’”. You can read more about how Nic responded to audience questions, particularly on the power of gratitude, here.

Facebook Live

It was brilliant to also stream Nic’s talk through Facebook Live! This was the first time we have live streamed one of our talks and it was great to have a live audience watching. Hundreds of people have watched the livestream video and it was so great to know that in addition to the nearly 200 people who joined us face-to-face in Exeter, people were able to participate online. We even had people asking questions live to Nic via the livestream, and really loved this sense of wider participation.

With thanks

Huge thanks to Nic Marks, to Exeter University and Exeter Community Initiatives for co-hosting this event with us, and to all those who came along. And thank you to those who joined us on Facebook Live too!