Our happiness is connected with the wellbeing of other people and the natural world. If we make choices that acknowledge this interdependence it can result in a deeper, longer lasting happiness. The below ideas share how we can all create more sustainable happiness this Christmas:

1. Give gifts creatively

It is lovely to take the time to show someone how much they mean to you, and one way to do this is through giving gifts. But gifts can take many different forms, and do not always need to be about buying lots of new stuff, as ‘The Buyerarchy of Needs‘ by Canadian illustrator Sarah Lazarovic shows:

2. Take time for you 

There can be so much pressure at this time of year to make everything perfect, and many people can end up having a terrible time as a result. At times like these, when expectations are high, it can be even more important to remember that you can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself and respect your own boundaries. This will actually help you to much better care for others.

3. Be kind

Our friends at Action for Happiness have produced a wonderful calendar of ways to do good in December. They highlight, “the festive season should be a time for human connection and simple joys, not consumerism” and they suggest many inspiring ways to bring more kindness to this time of year. Check it out.

From all of us here at the Network of Wellbeing (NOW), we would like to wish you all a very Sustainably Happy Christmas!