Date(s) - 17/06/2022 - 21/06/2022
4:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Maison Aux Cedres Bleus (Centre for Integral Mindfulness)
Love in action Retreat
17th-21st June 2022
The challenges of our time call us forward to respond but how can we stay grounded in the present moment and embody the inclusive energy of love in the face of anger, fear, division and despair?
What can we learn from the great beings in history – our spiritual ancestors – and how can we integrate these practices into our engaged action to walk the path of compassion and avoid the traps of overwhelm and burn out.
Join us for this international adventure online and in person as we cultivate the energy of mindfulness, look deeply into these topics and discover an access point to all the tools we need to co-create a new world, harmoniously together.
Alongside our teachers and facilitators in Cèdres Bleus, we have two special guest speakers offerings online talks :
Brother Phap Hai – Buddhist monk in the tradition of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, Dharma teacher, author of the book: The Eight Realizations of Great Beings: Essential Buddhist Wisdom for Waking Up to Who You Are.
Kaira Jewel – former Buddhist nun in the tradition of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, Dharma teacher, author of the book We were made for these times
Online talks available via donation and registration here.
More information to register for the in person retreat here:
Love in action – How to love yourself deeply in the face of disruption
This will be an intimate journey with a group of around 20 people in person so please book soon if you wish to secure a space!