The Network of Wellbeing (NOW) is reviewing its strategy, and we’d love to hear and include your views!

For the last three years, we’ve focused on building our network across the UK (and beyond), supporting wellbeing-related activities at the community scale and extending our reach to try and have a national impact. In that time, we’ve achieved a lot. Yet we would like to do more, especially when we consider the problems facing the world. We’d love to hear your views on our potential next steps, because you – our network – are ultimately what we’re all about.

Share your views here or by emailing our Director, Roger Higman, at

Let’s move beyond GDP and towards wellbeing together….

The need for society to focus on wellbeing for all as opposed to endless economic growth has never been clearer. The enthusiasm we see in people (and in public debate) for a more mindful and sustainable approach to living is cheering. We’re proud of the work we’ve done as part of these wider shifts but we know we need to do much more if that approach is going to have a far-reaching impact.

That is why we’re reviewing our approach. Over the next six months, we’ll be taking a hard look at what we do. We’ll still offer a regular diet of wellbeing-related blogs and webinars and will share actively on social media. We’ll continue to support activities in Totnes and elsewhere. But we’ll be spending some time reflecting, firstly to ensure our overarching priorities are right and then later to determine detailed plans.

We will keep you updated and consult you again about our more detailed plans, but for now, we want to hear about your general impressions. Share your views here or by emailing our Director, Roger Higman, at

The story so far: Building wellbeing together

Building Wellbeing Together is what we’re all about. We reach people online through offering engaging content through our blog, our videos and our social media. And this is proving popular.  The number of people following us on Twitter has increased fourfold, while those liking us on Facebook have more than doubled. Thousands of people now subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter, and hundreds of people are connecting with each other on our Building Wellbeing Together Facebook group.

We’ve also just launched our new website and our monthly Building Wellbeing Together webinar series, which is proving very popular.

We also try to bring people together face-to-face. Last year, we held our first national event, the Building Wellbeing Together weekend, with nearly 100 people at Hawkwood College near Stroud. Recently, we’ve been given our very own space for wellbeing retreats.

We’ve also done lots to support community wellbeing activities. In April 2017, we launched the Share Shed in Totnes, a Library of Things, which lends out more than 200 items to over 200 members. We’ve given out 25 small grants to local community wellbeing projects in Totnes and continue to support a group of active volunteers to organise a monthly Community Potluck supper. We’ve supported communities elsewhere with advice and through talks and built relationships with dozens of small wellbeing projects all over the UK.

Where next for the Network of Wellbeing?

At the beginning of this year we ran a survey about communications for 2018, and as a result we launched our Building Wellbeing Together webinar series, which has proven very popular.

Now we’re reviewing our overall strategy and would love to hear your views. We’re starting by asking some general questions. What do you think about the Network of Wellbeing? What do you think we have done well? What could we have done better? What should we do that we’re not doing? And what would you most love to see from us in the coming three years?

Ultimately, you – our network – are what we’re all about. So please let us know what you think.

Please share your views here or by emailing our Director, Roger Higman at