In these unprecedented times we need to find effective ways to support each other. Here at NOW, we’ve relaunched our webinar series, focusing on how we can build Wellbeing Together in these times of rapid change. This post summarises our recent webinar on The Sharing Economy and Wellbeing.

More than ever, we need to share – if we are to strengthen our relationships, support our communities and create a more sustainable world.

Sharing is an old practice, but it is also the basis of a rapidly growing global movement helping people – and the planet. It supports our wellbeing, and also demands that we look at the world in a different way.

How can sharing help us in these times of Covid-19 and physical distancing? And can the sharing economy help us to ‘build back better’?

In our webinar on The Sharing Economy and Wellbeing we heard from:

  • Benita Matofska: Change-maker, speaker, author of Generation Share and Founder of The People Who Share, and;
  • Tom Llewellyn: The Response podcast host, filmmaker, and partnerships director at Shareable.

You can find the full webinar recording immediately below, and if you’re pushed for time check out the highlights listed below the recording.

Pushed for time? Skip to the Highlights

  • The webinar starts with Tom Llewellyn introducing his work and his insights on sharing during Covid-19;
  • Just before 9 minutes: Benita Matofska presents ways that sharing is making a difference to people’s lives;
  •  At 19 mins: Tom and Benita discuss how sharing can create wellbeing;
  • At 25 mins 30 seconds: We explore the potential sharing has to help us to ‘build back better’;
  • At just before 33 mins: NOW’s Mirella Ferraz introduces the Share Shed – Library of Things;
  • At 38 until 50 mins: You can skip through this part, as at this point all participants are in break-out room sessions;
  • At 50 mins: Benita and Tom respond to audience questions;
  • At 1 hour, 3 mins: Tom and Benita share closing remarks and calls to action. Skip to this point if you’d like to learn how to get more involved!

Join Us Live Next Time

Our next free Wellbeing Together webinar will be held on Tuesday 9th June from 7.30-9pm, and will be on the topic of Compassion in Action.

Humans are socially connected beings, and finding ways to be there for those in need is inherently good for us. But how can we put our compassion into action? And how can we truly help others in sustained ways that supports our own wellbeing too?

In this webinar we will hear three perspectives and approaches from:

  • Ruby Reed (Advaya Initiative) – on regenerative activism
  • Alex Nunn (Action for Happiness) – on compassionate action
  • Kareem Ghandour (The Heart Movement) – on the power of listening spaces

Register for your free place here >>

You can find out more about the Wellbeing Together webinar series here, and stay in touch by signing up to our newsletter and following us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Last But Not Least, Thank YOU!

Huge thanks to Benita Matofska and Tom Llewellyn for being such wonderful webinar guests, and thank you for your interest in our webinar series. We have been positively blown away by the enthusiasm of those joining, connecting and learning from our webinar series – having the chance to connect with you all is much appreciated!