Less Stuff, More Happiness: Living Sustainably with Rob Greenfield - Network of Wellbeing

More isn’t always better, and excessive amounts of stuff does not make us happy. Understanding this simple wisdom is central to ensuring sustainable wellbeing for people and the planet.

One inspiring man who embodies this wisdom as his life’s purpose is the activist Rob Greenfield, who joined us as the main guest speaker at our latest webinar, Less Stuff, More Happiness.

Rob embarks on extreme projects to bring attention to important global issues and inspire positive change. His work has been covered by media worldwide, with eye-catching stunts like wearing a suit of garbage for 30 days to highlight the level of unnecessary waste produced through a consumer lifestyle, to living a whole year eating nothing but food he’s either grown or harvested.

His core message applies to us all: our actions do matter, and as individuals and communities, we have the power to improve the world around us.

We’re thrilled that Rob joined us as a guest to discuss what actions we can take as individuals and communities to support a radically reimagined sustainable future. 

Below we share the recording of this special event where we explore the role of living sustainably in building greater wellbeing for all, plus examples of projects which enable us to buy less and share more (such as the Share Shed the world’s first mobile library of things). 

If you are pushed for time you can skip to the highlights listed below the recording:

Highlights from this webinar:

  • 4:47: More stuff doesn’t equal more happiness: having more stuff actually takes away from our health, happiness and spending time with the people we love
  • 8:28: How can we find gateways to help us step outside of our mainstream systems and immerse in alternative ways of life, thinking and being? e.g. waste and growing food
  • 12:05: What inspired Rob to become an activist and humanitarian? 
  • 16:33: How can we get outside of the mainstream consumerist narrative?
  • 20:05: Being of service in a polarised time: stepping outside of labels, critical thinking, practicing non-judgement, being compassionate towards others 
  • 25:50: How can we practice self-care as activists? 
  • 36:50: Mirella Ferraz discusses the Share Shed project and how it encourages people to engage in social change
  • 51:50: Thoughts on individuals vs. collective / structural change and how we can demand change. Changing ourselves and standing up powerfully from a place of conviction can show people what’s possible and empower others to do so
  • 1:01:25: Closing thoughts: focus on how we can be the solution, uplift others and improve the world around us

This webinar is part of a Network of Wellbeing series. For more information and to explore past webinar videos, click here

You can also catch Mirella from the Share Shed talking about The Power of Sharing here

Join Upcoming Webinars

We don’t have any upcoming webinars in 2020, but we are planning a range of exciting online events for the start of 2021, so please watch this space and keep an eye on our Facebook page for all of the latest event details!

Thank You and Stay in Touch!

In these unprecedented times we all need to find effective ways to support each other and build wellbeing together. Please do stay in touch with us in between events, on social media and via our newsletter.