Welcome to our new website! It’s designed to help us build a network of people who care about the wellbeing of people, society and the planet. We’re so excited about it and want to share some of its best features with you. Please look around and tell us what you think!
Your Wellbeing, Your Community, Our World
A passion for wellbeing is what unites us. We understand that personal wellbeing cannot be achieved in isolation, and we want our site to be a place for you to learn how you can improve your own wellbeing and how we can build wellbeing together.
A key feature is that you can now more easily find the content that is most of interest to you. As well as the posts you can see from the home page, we’ve included simple tools to help you find posts you want to see.
The menu bars at the top right of the home page (Your Wellbeing, Your Community and Our World) lead you to posts on these topics, while each has a sub menu of topics like happiness, creativity, kindness, healthy planet and beyond GDP that narrow the search even further.

Or if you prefer, you can look through all the blogs, videos and webinars separately using the menu buttons at the very top. Plus, there is also an option to explore content in relation to the Five Ways to Wellbeing (Be active, Connect, Give, Keep Learning and Take notice).
Wellbeing Webinars
In January 2018, we started a monthly webinar series to explore how we can build wellbeing together. They’ve proven to be extremely popular – and we’d love it if you joined one! The webinars section of the website tells you when they are and how you can join, and allows you to watch any webinars you’ve missed.
If you’re working actively on wellbeing and would like to feature in one of our webinars then please get in touch.
Connect with the Network
The Network of Wellbeing is a growing UK-based network of people and organisations who care about the wellbeing of people and planet. We are a broad and open network, and we offer a variety of ways to connect, now listed on our Network page.

Find Wellbeing Organisations – and Submit Your Own!
The Wellbeing Directory is a new feature of the NOW website. It shares groups and organisations working actively on wellbeing across the United Kingdom. It aims to facilitate connections and build a stronger network among those working on wellbeing. You can explore the Wellbeing Directory, and if you are working with a wellbeing-related project, you could submit an entry for inclusion.
Write for us
Much of our content is written by others – and we want to share as much good content about wellbeing as possible. You can submit suggestions for guest posts – and we’ve written guidelines to make it easier to do so. We’ve also included details on those who have contributed to our site, so you can see the many amazing people who have written for us already.
Share your events
We want our website to be a place that people visit to find out about wellbeing events. So, we’ve included an events calendar. You can find NOW events on the calendar and you can submit your own events as well, which will be listed as guest events.
Our work in Totnes
The Network of Wellbeing was formed in Totnes, Devon, UK and we still have a strong presence there. If you’re a Totnesian or if you want to see what we’re doing there, we’ve set up a special Totnes area of the website especially for you!
Please tell us what you think!
Please take a look around our new site and explore its features. Then get in touch to let us know what you think. We really hope you like it and your feedback will help us make it even better!
Please be aware this is a new site
Even though we’ve tried our best to ensure everything is perfect there will likely still be things we need to improve over time – if you spot a broken link or some text that seems out of place then please do contact us to let us know.
Thank you so much!
We look forward to connecting with you more through this new website and beyond.